Here is a picture of three new shapes that we are testing. From left to right: 181 Hyper Chunk 152-124-148 181 Giver 138-110-124 191 Super Chunk 166-134-154
Once we run these bad boys through our extensive testing process, we will release them....
We got word from Ryan Prentice who recently got back from Argentina while visiting team rider Jesse Durrance (whose been living there all summer). The first three shots are Jesse Durrance and the last three shots are Ryan.
Argentinean Trip Report:So I just returned back to Portland, OR from almost a month of skiingin Las Lenas, Argentina. This trip finally concludes my 07/08 ski season. With over 215 days on snow this year from Whistler toWashington and Oregon to South America I am ready to take a two monthbreak and try and make a little money. What a season this has been!!The snow pack was great at Las Lenas and I skied off the renownedMarte lift almost everyday I was down there. I had never been to SA toski before and Las Lenas had better terrain than I could imagine.3,500 feet of sustained 45 to 50 degree slopes just off the lift blewmy mind. The lift accessible terrain at Lenas would never be open inNA ski resorts due to liability purposes and makes Whistler's steepslook like green runs. I had such an awesome time skiing and meetingnew people. Some of the best and most passionate skiers in the worldtravel south for the summer and skiing with these rippers was a blast!I was down there long enough to start enjoying the local cheap drinkof Fernet and Coke. If you dont know what that it is the best way todescribe its unique taste is drinking coke right after brushing yourteeth.I primarily skied my 191 Givers while I was down south and theyperformed beautifully. I skied a bunch of super tight couloirs andopen bowls and I couldn't ask for a better balance of stability andmaneuverability. Whether its high speed straightlining or hop turnsthese things work for me! The rocks at Lenas are all like shark teethand tear your ski behind your head when you hit them. While I managedto obtain a few good sized core shots, everything is easily fixablewith a base welder. After witnessing day in and day out other skiersequipment fail, I was stoked to have been on Folsom's. People werestoked on the skis too and asking lots of questions. I plasteredstickers on everything in sight.While I was down there, fellow team rider Jesse Durrance came up fromBuenos Aires to ski with me and talk about new ski designs. We bothhad nothing but praise for these skis and came up with some newdesigns and ideas that should be in the works soon. Some super coolthings coming up in the next year.That about wraps up my trip down south, enjoy the photos and my nextreport will probably be from Whistler when I move back up there in afew months. Go Fast and take chances!-Ryan Prentice